FAN COIL Maintenance
Keeping up with your Fan coil Maintenance is the best way to keep your Fan coil delivering the highest level of cooling and heating. Sychem recommends you service your Fan coil twice a year and change your filters 3-4 times a year. At Sychem we ensure that fan coil maintenance are performed to the highest specifications. We have the proper tools and equipment, the staff of trained specialists, and access to the extensive range of parts necessary to properly maintain your fan coil, giving our customers reliability, and value for years to come.
Basic Maintenance
As we transition from summer season into the fall season, this is the best time to perform Basic Maintenance for your Fan Coil systems, ensuring your system is ready to take on the Canadian winter. A filter change, a good cleaning and checking the parts are in good working order will provide you with the comfort you deserve.
Comprehensive Maintenance
The most common and critical maintenance for your Fan Coil systems, performed usually when transitioning from winter into spring, preparing your unit for the condensation that will result from Toronto’s beautiful and warm summers. In addition to the basic cleaning, Comprehensive Maintenance is levelled up as our trained technicians ensure your drain trays are clean and pipes unobstructed, limiting the occurrence of leaks and floods as a result of condensation over flow giving you a peace of mind when that A/C is working away.
Extra flood protection
Condensation leaks is both a resident, building and insurance nightmare. Sychem installs flood prevention switches for all types of fan coil systems. If your drain is clogged, a flood prevention switch will detect the rising water and turn off your unit. Visit our Flood Prevention section to learn more.
When you repair your fan coil with Sychem, you chose a company that has been offering uncompromising quality and workmanship since 1983. You can trust the technicians for expert knowledge and skill along with the care and attention you deserve. At Sychem we ensure that fan coil repairs are performed to the highest specifications. We have the proper tools and equipment, the staff of trained specialists, and access to the extensive range of parts necessary to properly repair your fan coil, giving our customer’s a peace of mind.