Bathroom Duct Cleaning

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Steamy windows

  • We can have some fun with steamy mirrors post shower, but if our exhaust fan motor is not working efficiently, this creates a great playground for mould to play.

  • Mould will wipe off the smile and can result in both a risk to health and our pocket book

  • Most importantly, it will exhaust other shall we say unwanted scents that can fill our bathroom spaces!

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Booster fans

  • These little motors come in many sizes but they are all there for one purpose, to exhaust steam and scents, keeping our bathrooms mould free and smelling fresh!

  • Removing and cleaning once a year will increase the life span and ensure proper functioning.

  • Need a new fan motor and or a cleaning? Click over on that service button to connect with us or go over to the fan motor page to see some of the models.


bathroom ducts

  • The fan motor exhausts more than steam and smells, it also sucks up dust and hairs.

  • Over time, dust and hairs will collect into your ducts.

  • Dirty ducts can lead to inefficient exhausting and create an environment for mould to grow