What do Christmas Lights and Heat Pumps have in Common?

"Your compressor is gone. The unit is irreparable. You need a new heat pump."

Just a couple of days ago a customer called for a second opinion. Another contractor informed them that the compressor is seized and they either need to replace the compressor or purchase a new unit. The customer called us for a quote and we recommended they book a service call for a second opinion. 

Our mechanic found the compressor relay and capacitor were faulty. 

Capacitor and Relay - $350 - $400
Compressor - $1500 - $1800
New Heat Pump - $3000 - $4000

I just went on Red Tag Vacations to look at all inclusive vacations. There are some amazing trips that you can go on and still have money left over. Not sure about all of you but I would rather money in my pocket to spend on travelling to a beautiful beach resort as oppose to my contractors. 

Here is a little TIP:

Heat pumps are wired in series. They are like a string of christmas lights. If one bulb goes out, all the ones that proceed it will not light up. A Heat pump is the same. If a compressor stops working it doesn’t mean that the compressor is necessarily the problem. It can be multiple parts preceding the compressor like a sensor or a relay that may be faulty. 

All too often we get called in for a second opinion and find that it is a $180 to $350 repair as oppose to a $3000 to $4000 new unit. Its a lot of money to spend unnecessarily wouldn’t you agree?

Almost every heat pump is repairable. The main reasons NOT to repair a new unit:

1. There was a fire in the suite
2. The condenser leaked and water got into the Heat Pump system
3. The compressor has actually seized mechanically or burned out electrically and the unit is at minimum, over 6 to 7 years old. 

Next time a contractor advises you to purchase a new heat pump unit, look for a second opinion from another company. If you’re not sure who to call, ask your friends, ask your property manager or give us a call. We would be happy to help. 

We hope this article saves you lots of money in the future and you will think of Sychem when you’re laying on a beach, sipping on a Margherita while staring out into the ocean.

Talib Hussain